Thursday, February 22, 2007

By any other name...

As a kid, I was a junkie for crap with my name on it. Pencils. Keychains. Stickers. I bet you were too. You know who you are. Michael. Jenny. Robert. The Ramonas, Quinns, and Apples of the world were usually out of luck.

Now we can all go nameless and let Starbucks define us. It's not the same as the rainbow shiny type on the back of my jersey tee in the second grade, but Starbucks is giving away tshirts with your personalized drink on it. You know who you are Grande Decaf XHot.

If that's not your cup of tea, let Miss Britney Spears send you a personalized fantasy. I'll warn you that she has a limited vocabulary for names though. You probably already knew that. She couldn't say Peaches, so I decided to go look for the shot glass with my name on it.

Good luck, Tall Skim Mocha Soy.

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