Monday, July 16, 2007

Three parargraphs about politics, and money.

We know of a recent high school graduate who is working as a part-time research assistant for Chicago Public Schools. His supervisor recently told him, "You know, when school starts, you can work full time." He explains that this won't be possible, he is going to college in the fall. She tells him, "That's OK, we'll just make you full time anyway."

The supervisor later tells him there's someone he just has to meet. So he goes to lunch with a big-time Chicago political operative. The operative suggests he should go to work on Clinton's campaign, we'll send you to Iowa, etc. Though not especially fond of Clinton, the recent graduate is interested in politics, he will probably do this. The operative gives him $50 to take a cab the two blocks back to work.

Senior advisers to President Bush have recommended that the president veto Senate legislation to increase funding for children's health insurance. The plan, which expires September 30, subsidizes health care for children and adults who have too much money for Medicaid and too little for insurance on their own. The legislation calls for a 61-cent increase in the federal tax on a pack of cigarettes.

1 comment:

Gonz said...

I guess some things about Chicago never change. No matter how green you make the city, it will always be politically dirty.
