Thursday, January 18, 2007

Pirates of the Quotidian

One of my favorite things since touching this Blogspot has been that tiny button at the top of the screen: Next Blog. This is what I imagined satellite television would be when I first read about it. One button, and you change the world's channel. Argentinian horseback riding! Schlager from Sweden! Mouse-divination from Cote D'Ivoire!

Here are some highlights of my travels:
Really charming. Ruby lives in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, and writes about it. Even better if you read it like a "Frog and Toad" book.
Written in some parallel-universe English, this young woman goes through what we all went through, then makes us old people decipher it. Warning: be ready with your Mute button!
Small urban wildlife rescue! Pictures of baby squirrels, birds, and um, possums.

1 comment:

GB said...

Actually I think I enjoyed the Argentinian Tango Dancing more than the Argentinian Horeseback Riding! But then, if you go, why not try both?

GB xxx :-))
